Insect Monitoring Guidelines
Monitoring Guides for Your Pest Challenges
Each Insect Monitoring Guideline provided here details specific information for each pest, including what it looks like, its behavior and life cycle, and helpful products to monitor and trap the pest. Click the buttons below each picture for your own copy of the Insect Monitoring Guidelines
Almond Moth
Angoumois Grain Moth
Black Carpet Beetle
Confused Flour Beetle
Dermestid Larvae
Drugstore Beetle
Fruit Fly
German Cockroach
Hide Beetle
Indian Meal Moth
Larger Grain Borer
Lesser Grain Borer
Mediterranean Flour Moth
Raisin Moth
Red Flour Beetle
Red-Legged Ham Beetle
Rice Weevil
Saw-toothed Grain Beetle
Tobacco Moth
Varied Carpet Beetle
Warehouse Beetle
Phorid Fly
Webbing Clothes Moth