When It Comes to Insects, Temperature Over Everything
Tom Mueller
Vice President, Insects Limited
When it comes to insects it is temperature over everything. Maybe “Temperature over Everything” is not a good title, but rather “Temperature IS Everything” would be more fitting.
If you are not taking temperature into consideration when executing a pest control program, then it is highly unlikely you can categorize this program as “integrated pest management.”
The last two webinars we have broadcast in our Stored Product Insect Virtual Series have tied in well to each other (along with each of the other 14 episodes we have created and produced) when it comes to temperature.
In May, Paul Fields, Ph.D. joined us to discuss the “Role of Temperature in the Biology and Control of Stored Product Insects” which was the most attended webinar we have produced to date.
During his presentation, Dr. Fields explains how important the role of temperature is in nearly everything an insect does.
From the food it decides to infest to the behaviors we can observe while using temperature as a control method, insects will choose the micro-environment that is best suited for their reproduction based on small changes in temperature gradient.
Temperature Effects on Biology of Common Stored Product Insects
Looking at the both the "Temperature Effects on Biology of Common Stored Product Insects" and the "Average US Temperatures" charts below, we can see that stored product insects increase in population over 7 straight months during the year. Know the biology of your pest is half the battle in preventing it.
Monitoring and inspection are not the only segments of an IPM program to concentrate on temperature.
In our most recent episode of the stored product insect virtual series, Jeff Waggoner, ACE with FSS, Inc. elaborated on the importance of temperature when considering chemical application for control measures of food infesting pests during his presentation on “An Overview of Fumigation.” He highlighted that when conducting a fumigation, a licensed professional can work with their customer to raise temperatures in facilities which will also increase the efficacy rate of the fumigation while decreasing the cost. Also making the point that the micro-environments and temperature differences within the facility must be considered as well. An example of this was made with how warm air accumulates around the ceiling, with temperatures being much cooler near the floor.
I encourage you to listen to both episodes and critically think about your approaches to pest management. They will undoubtedly prepare you to seek a long-term solution using the insect's behavior and biology.
To truly solve an insect issue, educate yourself on the temperature preference of your target insect. Then educate yourself on the food preferences of your target insect. Locate the areas these two preferences overlap and start your inspection there.
To help you even further, use a quality pheromone monitor in those areas to help you pinpoint the infestation and determine if your efforts are working. Correct the conducive condition and you will correct the problem.
Interested in learning more? Check out The Control of Stored-Product Insects and Mites with Extreme Temperatures by Dr. Fields. A list of his publications can be found here.
Sharing Through Education
Insects Limited has prepared virtual presentations from expert speakers on various topics within the pest management industry, with more to come in 2021.
Each training program is intended to make your staff and company better by Sharing Through Education.
Receive Insects Limited's previously recorded webinars for free by visiting our website and filling out the form.
Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company
Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.
Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.